Emergency Dentistry

Dentist in Bridgeton, MO

When a dental emergency strikes, the last thing you want is to be left waiting, wondering where to turn for help. At the dental office of Dr. Kevin Burgdorf, DDS, we provide swift, compassionate care for dental emergencies, ensuring that you’re not alone during these stressful moments. Located in the heart of Bridgeton, MO, our practice is equipped to handle a wide range of dental emergencies, offering relief and solutions when you need them most.

Understanding Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies come in various forms, from sudden toothaches to traumatic injuries. Recognizing the need for immediate dental care is crucial, as timely intervention can often save a tooth and prevent further complications. Whether you’ve experienced a sports injury, a biting mishap, or an unexpected infection, our team is prepared to address your needs with expertise and urgency.

Why Choose Dr. Kevin Burgdorf for Your Emergency Care?

  • Prompt Response: We prioritize emergency cases, striving to see you as soon as possible, often on the same day, to alleviate your pain and address the issue.
  • Comprehensive Care: From simple fillings and cosmetic bonding to more complex procedures like root canals or dental implants, we offer a wide range of treatments to resolve your emergency.
  • Advanced Technology: Our office is equipped with the latest dental technology, enabling us to diagnose and treat emergencies with precision and efficiency.
  • Compassionate Support: We understand the anxiety and discomfort that come with dental emergencies. Our team provides a comforting, supportive environment, ensuring you feel at ease throughout your treatment.

Emergency Dentistry

Full-color logo of Dr. Kevin Burgdorf’s dental practice, representing the brand’s identity and commitment to quality dental care.

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Our Emergency Dentistry Services

We’re equipped to handle a variety of dental emergencies, including but not limited to:

    • Toothaches: Painful and often indicative of underlying issues, we address toothaches with urgency, providing relief and identifying the root cause.

    • Knocked-Out Teeth: Time is of the essence. We offer guidance on immediate steps to take and work to reinsert and save the tooth.

    • Chipped or Broken Teeth: We restore the integrity and appearance of damaged teeth, preventing further injury or infection.

    • Lost Fillings or Crowns: Quick replacement is crucial to protect the tooth from further damage and restore functionality.

    • Dental Abscesses: An abscess signals infection; we act swiftly to treat the infection and provide relief from pain.

    • Soft Tissue Injuries: Cuts or lacerations to the gums, cheeks, or tongue require professional care to prevent infection and ensure proper healing.

Preparing for a Dental Emergency

While we hope you never face a dental emergency, being prepared can make a significant difference. We encourage our patients to keep our contact information handy and to call us immediately at (314) 291-9000 if an emergency arises. Quick action and professional care are key to navigating these situations successfully.

Your Partner in Emergency Dental Care

Dr. Kevin Burgdorf, DDS, and his dedicated team stand ready to provide the emergency dental care you need to get back to your life without delay. Our commitment to excellence, combined with a deep understanding of the urgency and sensitivity required in emergency situations, makes us a trusted choice for emergency dentistry in Bridgeton, MO, and the surrounding St. Louis area.

Don’t Wait in Pain – Contact Us Now

If you or a loved one is experiencing a dental emergency, don’t hesitate. Contact our office immediately at (314) 291-9000. We’re here to provide the urgent care you need, ensuring your health and well-being are restored as quickly as possible.


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Smiling woman with dark hair and a nose ring, embodying the diverse clientele served at Dr. Kevin Burgdorf's dental practice.
Happy woman taking a selfie on the beach, representing the joy and confidence of patients treated by Dr. Kevin Burgdorf.